Zeitschrift für Recht & Islam

For Authors


The editors of the ZRI welcome contributions at any time. Contributions that are submitted before the end of January / early February can normally be published in the same year's issue.

Contributions can be submitted by email to the Editors. The Editors are also happy to respond to any questions under this email address.

To help with the editorial process, the Editors kindly ask authors to draft their article using the ZRI's house style for formatting and footnotes. The most current ZRI style guide can be found at this link.

Editorial procedure

New contributions are subject to a preliminary review with regards to scientific standards and are subject to an initial language check and formatting.

Peer review

All Contributions are subject to double blind peer review by two reviewers. The Reviewers advise the Editors. A decision to accept or reject a contribution lies with the Editors alone. However, the Editors will not normally accept or reject a contribution against the clear recommendation of two Reviewers. The Editors can request the vote of a third Reviewer if they consider this helpful to assess the Contribution.

The Reviews are submitted to the Editors who will provide the Author with comments.

Finalisation of Contributions

Once finalised drafts of the contributions are returned from the authors, they are subject to a final review by the Editors and the editorial team . The editorial secretariat then finalises the formatting and layout. The final form issue of the ZRI is then sent to the library of Leipzig University to be placed on a persistent URL.